Vetsuisse Faculty

PhD Defense

Are Wild and Farm Brown Trout alike? Exploration of Environmental factors, Immunity, and Population Dynamics in the Context of Proliferative Kidney Disease

Friday, 2024/10/18, 13:00

Am Freitag, 18. Oktober 2024 wird Helena Saura Martinez ihre PhD defence halten. Das Thema ist: Are Wild and Farm Brown Trout alike? Exploration of Environmental factors, Immunity, and Population Dynamics in the Context of Proliferative Kidney Disease Ort: Paraklinik Hörsaal 3. Stock Zeit: 18. Oktober, 13 Uhr Alle sind herzlich eingeladen, daran teilzunehmen.

Event organizer: Vetsuisse Faculty Bern
Speaker: Helena Saura Martinez
Date: 2024/10/18
Time: 13:00 Time
Locality: Hörsaal Paraklinik
Vetsuisse Fakultät
Länggassstrasse 122
3012 Bern
Characteristics: open to the public
free of charge