Vetsuisse-Mittelbau (Bern) / Intermediate Staff of the Veterinary Faculty at the University of Berne:
- All academic staff of the Vetsuisse Faculty at the University of Berne, except Professors (extraordinary/ordinary = aoP/oP)
Mittelbauvorstand / Board office of the Intermediate staff
Administrative head of the intermediate staff (see homepage)
Vetsuisse-Rat / Vetsuisse-Council (
Strategic council for both Vetsuisse Faculties - Validate strategic and financial plan of the whole Vetsuisse Faculty
- Rector University Bern, Leumann Christian - President
- Rector University Zürich, Siegert Gabriele (ad interim)
- Representative Senat University Bern, Balogh Zoltan
- Representative Council University Zürich, Oberholzer Urs
- Representative Direction University Bern, Pappa Christoph
- Representative Direction University Zürich, Schaepman Michael
- Representative Ministry for Education Bern, Schönmann Daniel
- Representative Ministry for Education Zürich, Brändli Sebastian
- Vetsuisse Geschäftsleitung / Vetsuisse Executive Board
- Dean Vetsuisse Zürich, Stephan Roger
- Dean Vetsuisse Bern, Spreng David
Departements-, Instituts-Gremium / Local department & Institute Committees
- Departementleitergremium (DLG)
- Representative Intermediate Staff, Koch Christoph (PD, DKV)
- KKH-Strategiegremium
- Representative OA/PD, Vincenti Simona (OA, DKV)
- Representative Assistants, Düver Pia (Resident, DKV)
- Institutsleitergremium (ILG)
- Representative, Marti Eliane (Ass. Prof, DCR-VPH)
- Representative, Wellnitz Olga (Ass. Prof, DCR-VPH)