Equality Brunch Equality management and equal opportunities at Swiss universities: Challenges and perspectives for the future. The important role of men in gender equality. 27 March
Applied Ethology and Animal Welfare Preregistration in animal experimentation - a feasibility study in Switzerland | Cristina Priboi 27 March
Clinical Anesthesiology Pain in horses and other animals – Bridging veterinary science, animal behaviour, and AI 31 March
Clinical Anesthesiology Pain in horses and other animals – Bridging veterinary science, animal behaviour, and AI 01 April
Midterm Evaluation Clinical and Virological Findings in Client-Owned Cats with Feline Infectious Peritonitis Treated with Remdesivir/GS-441524 | Alejandra Carranza 03 April
Science@Lunch Hypertriglyceridemia-induced pancreatitis in franches-montagnes foals | Michelle Wyler 08 April
DIP Seminar Turning pathogen surveillance to reality: Using metagenomic sequencing with piggery wastewater | Manavi Muralidhar 08 April
Applied Ethology and Animal Welfare Harm-benefit analysis in animal experiments | Vanessa Gerritsen 10 April
Science@Lunch Impact of pH and temperature on the infectivity of avian influenza viruses in raw milk | Nicole Lenz 15 April
VPHI Webinar Why agency in PPR vaccination matters for pastoral women: Exploring experiences and perspectives in a qualitative study in the Somali region, Ethiopia | Valerie Hungerbühler 29 April
Applied Ethology and Animal Welfare Investigation into the genetics of behaviour traits in laying hens | Kyle Hunter Hoeksema 08 May
Science@Lunch Smart Searching for Veterinary Research: Essential Databases & (AI-) Resources | Tanya Karrer 13 May
DIP Seminar (Workshop) Strengthening Mental Health – Enhancing Stress Management and Resilience | Philipp Schmutz 15 May
Applied Ethology and Animal Welfare Data and dialogue: Into animal behavior, AI, and science communication | Annika Bremhorst 22 May
Information event CAS One Health Join our info-event on 3 April from 12.30 - 13.30 to learn more about the CAS One Health programme.
Five new doctoral degrees At its March meeting, the Faculty Board approved five dissertations, awarding doctorates to three female and two male veterinarians.
Workshop: Pain in horses and other animals – Bridging veterinary science, animal behaviour, and AI This two-day workshop (March 31-April 2, 2025) brings together experts from veterinary science, animal behaviour, and artificial intelligence to explore innovative approaches to behaviour and pain assessment in animals. Register now!
Top ranking for Vetsuisse Faculty again The Vetsuisse Faculty with its locations in Bern and Zurich is considered the seventh best veterinary faculty in the world. Excellent research and a good reputation for teaching have contributed to this ranking. The QS World University Ranking analyzed 418 veterinary departments - the Vetsuisse Faculty is ranked in the top ten for the sixth time in a row.
The SPREAD How can the physiological microenvironment of organs be replicated in vitro? Find out more about the potential of “organs-on-a-chip systems” in the latest issue of “The Spread”, the newsletter of the MCID.
Fighting parasites with animal experiments and cell cultures Britta Lundström-Stadelmann studies the dog and fox tapeworm, which is dangerous to humans. In the video, she talks about what makes her work as a researcher and co-director of an institute so special.
Vetsuisse-News Read the new VetsuisseNews - with the big farewell interview with David Spreng, the BEENERGIA project on the interaction between wild and managed bees, the promotion of resilience, the debate in the Grand Council on the new isolation units and much more (in German only).
SNSF BRIDGE grant for a new generation of vaccines The BRIDGE funding program of the SNSF and Innosuisse is supporting the research project “Targeted delivery of drugs and vaccine antigens in vivo using a safe and programmable bacterial chassis”. The team led by Jörg Jorres from the Institute of Veterinary Bacteriology, together with Nicolas Ruggli from the IVI and Markus Seeger from the University of Zurich, aims to develop a new generation of vaccines.
Cross-sector collaboration is key to strengthen ecosystem-animal-human health One Health is an approach that deals with complex health issues across disciplines and sectors, such as for example impacts of climate change on the ecosystem health, antimicrobial resistance, or vector borne diseases. The new CAS One Health of the University of Bern offers specialists in animal, human and environmental health the opportunity to learn and transfer One Health from different perspectives to their own professional practice. Experts from science and practice teach together, providing unique insights.
Eleven new doctoral degrees At its December meeting, the Faculty Board approved eleven dissertations, awarding doctorates to nine female and two male veterinarians.
Faculty prize for Valérie Menoud This year's faculty prize goes to Valérie Menoud. In her dissertation, Menoud compares antibiotic and herbal treatment of endometritis in dairy cows. No statistical difference in treatment success was found in this study.
Prix Miéville awarded to two researchers The Jean-Pierre Miéville Foundation has honored Matthias Christen from the Institute of Genetics and Kimberly Schmied from the IVI for their contributions to animal welfare.
WAB President’s Award forJoana Jacinto Joana Jacinto has been honored with the President's Award of the World Association for Buiatrics (WAB). The research associate at the Clinic for Ruminants and the Institute of Genetics is thus being recognized for her active participation in the World Congress in Mexico.
Zwillenberg Prize 2025: Melanie Scherer honored Melanie Scherer from the Department of Neurological Sciences has been awarded this year's Dr. Lutz and Dr. Celia Zwillenberg Prize for her outstanding scientific work.
Honorary doctorate for Cindy Adams The University of Bern has awarded an honorary doctorate to Canadian professor Cindy Adams. With her professional understanding of the human-animal relationship, Adams has set a new global standard for the training of veterinary communication skills. The award ceremony took place on December 7 as part of the Dies academicus at the Casino Bern.
Fördergelder der Albert-Heim-Stiftung Dr. med. vet. Laureen Peters, Clinical Laboratory, has successfully obtained a grant from the Albert Heim Foundation of the Swiss Cynological Society for the project ‘Tissue expression profile of regenerating island-derived protein 3E in healthy dogs and dogs with sepsis’.
Crafting fundable proposals: A team approach to grant writing A new initiative where departmental staff members provide input for their colleagues' grants got off to a great start. Read the article as pupblished in VetsuisseNews 2/24.
SNSF supports BEENERGIA he Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF) supports the «BEENERGIA» research proposal. The project investigates the effects of various stress factors on wild bees, in particular the influence of honey bees on wild bee populations through competition and common pathogens.
New construction of the high-security laboratory in Mittelhäusern The existing high-security facility at the Institute of Virology and Immunology needs to be replaced due to its age. The Federal Office has launched a study contract procedure for this purpose.
Margherita Polidori awarded At the Cutting Edge Pathology Congress in Madrid, Margherita Polidori (Division of Neurological Sciences) was awarded a prize for her lecture.
Sophie Sage and Martina Panatta receive award Martina Panatta and Sophie Sage were honored with the Young Scientist Paper Awards during the “Science & BBQ Day”. The Vetsuisse Faculty supports young researchers at the start of their careers for outstanding publications in clinical and basic research with the awards, each worth 2,000 Swiss francs.
SRF Tagesgespäch ('topic talk of the day') In this radio interview with radio SRF (swiss german dialect), Claudia Bachofen explains why the threat of animal diseases has increased so dramatically in recent years and why the IVI must be ready at all times to diagnose outbreaks.
New Guidelines for use of AI in research and research on AI The University has published new guidelines for dealing with artificial intelligence for research with and on AI. The guidelines are intended to support researchers in their work, in particular with regard to the interlinking with good scientific practice and in the event that they have to cite the guidelines of the University of Bern for a publication or a funding application.
Stefan Rietmann awarded Stefan Rietmann, PhD student at the Institute of Genetics, won the prize for the best presentation at the 11th Leipzig PhD Forum 2024.
Annual Report Institute of Parasitology In the recently published annual report 22/23, Co-Directors Caroline Frey and Britta Lundström-Stadelmann look back on a resurgence in teaching and research activities following the pandemic, the continued strong demand for diagnostic services and the long-awaited return of social activities.
Symposium «Detection of biological risks» Get new insights about the detection of biological risks in the context of national and international surveillance programmes, in the blood transfusion service and in relation to vector-borne diseases. Register now for the symposium on November 29 in Bern.
Prof. Dr. Sabine Kässmeyer elected associate professor At its last meeting, the Vetsuisse Council appointed Sabine Kässmeyer as Associate Professor of Veterinary Anatomy with effect from August 1, 2024. Prof. Kässmeyer came to Bern from Berlin in 2020. Due to her achievements, the highest strategic institution of the Vetsuisse Faculty has, after four years, converted the assistant professorship tenure track into an associate professorship. Congratulations!
Five apprenticeship deiplomas and 738 lecture hours The recently published annual report of the Department of Clinical Veterinary Medicine DKV contains facts and figures on the services provided by the departments and clinics in 2023 in the areas of teaching, training, continuing education, research and services. (available only in German)
SRF Tagesgespäch ('topic talk of the day') In this radio interview with radio SRF (swiss german dialect), Claudia Bachofen explains why the threat of animal diseases has increased so dramatically in recent years and why the IVI must be ready at all times to diagnose outbreaks.
Poster Award for Cleo Schwarz Cleo Schwarz has won a poster award at the «International Conference on Canine and Feline Genetics and Genomics» in Helsinki. Congratulations!
Diversity is our strength «The University of Bern shoud offer an inspring environment for all those who want to generate, impart and innovately implement new knowledge with passion and curiosity.» In her welcome message, the new Rector Virginia Richter expresses her pleasure at assuming the leadership of the University of Bern. She emphasizes the importance of trust, dialogue, exchange and shared values.
Annual Report VPHI You can read about how the Veterinary Public Health Institute has contributed to the physical, mental and social well-being of humans through teaching and research over the past two years in the recently published VPHI Annual Report.
The SPREAD Read more about how biobanking can enhance biopreparedness in the latest newsletter of the MCID.
New Professor for clinical dermatology at Vetsuisse Bern Elisa Maina started her new position at Vetsuisse Bern in February 2024. In this interview, we talked about her previous positions, what she finds fascinating, challenges, her goals and more.
VetsuisseNews 1/24 Read the complete issue of the latest in-house newspaper of the Vetsuisse Faculty here.
Avian influenza in dairy cows in the USA Infections with the highly pathogenic avian influenza virus H5N1 have been detected in several dairy cattle farms in various US states. The probability that Switzerland will be affected by similar infections is very low.
Alumni Master's Prize for Lea Anna Hiller The Alumni Master's Prize for the best veterinary Master's thesis in 2023 goes to Lea Anna Hiller for her work «Drug testing on Echinococcus multilocularis - Searching for new therapeutic options against Alveolar Echinococcosis».
Top ranking for the Vetsuisse Faculty The Vetsuisse Faculty with its two campuses in Bern and Zurich has once again taken fourth place in the QS World University Ranking 2024, defending its position from the previous year. The rating takes into account academic reputation, citations, the H-index, international networking and employer reputation.
IVI ist part of the WHO-CoronaVirus Network The Institute of Virology and Immunology (IVI) ist now member oft the WHO CoViNet. The CoronaVirus Network is an international research network for the early detection, analysis and monitoring of coronaviruses worldwide.
New Head of Clinical Dermatology A warm welcome to Prof. Elisa Maina , she started on February 1st as head of the Department of Clinical Dermatology.
The SPREAD Read more about integrating science into policy or about fighting antibiotic resistance in the latest newsletter of the MCID.
Erfolgreiches ECVP Board Examen Iva Cvitas, Leonore Aeschlimann (Küchler) und Ismar Klebic, Absolventen unseres Resident-Programmes, haben in Paris erfolgreich die Prüfung für das ECVP-Diplom bestanden. Herzliche Gratulation!
Gesunde Kühe sind nachhaltiger Wer Fieber hat, leistet weniger. Das gilt auch für die Kuh. Zwei Studentinnen der Veterinärmedizin zeigten in ihrer Arbeit im Rahmen von «Nachhaltigkeit in der Lehre», dass Kühe, die Euterentzündungen durchmachen, weniger Milch geben und das Klima stärker belasten.
Dr Sarah Kiener & Dr Marine Inglebert receive the Albert Heim Foundation Award 2023 Two young researchers from the Vetsuisse Faculty, University of Bern have been awarded this year's Albert Heim Foundation Award for outstanding work in the field of cynological research. We congratulate Dr Marine Inglebert, Institute of Animal Pathology, and Dr Sarah Kiener, Institute of Genetics.
Diagnostics centre Vetsuisse Faculty The search system allows you to quickly find the right examination from the wide range of services offered by the veterinary hospital. The result contains a link that will take you directly to the right contact person.
Science@Lunch Short scientific presentation (15 min. + 5 min. discussion) by students, postdocs or seniors to introduce ongoing projects or recently published work by Vetsuisse